Mossman Gorge Centre, Mossman Gorge Road, Mossman Gorge QLD, Australia
"From being in the industry for over 20 years, I've participated in a great deal of team activities and tours and I personally think this was the best executed and memorable I've experienced. Majority of our delegates are very well travelled and are fortunate like me have had many life experiences but it was very clear from our survey that the Dreamtime walk was clearly the best part of our 4 day conference'. Comments received in our survey included: "awe inspiring" "fantastic experience into indigenous culture" "Amazing" "Wonderful" "Simply Amazing. Wish we had more time." "Different and inspiring" "Brilliant. Well organised and presented" "Very enjoyable. I've been through the gorge a few times previously, but Skip's interpretation helped me to see and understand it in a new light." "Very humbling and extremely interesting & informative" "Grounding and informative. Good education. Beautiful environment" "Amazing. Learnt a lot and a positive reflection on how complicated we can make our own lives through" "materialistic living. Also fantastic to support a local community."
Nerhys Dineen | Event Co-ordinator | IPSEN