NQ Exhibitions, Spence Street, Cairns City QLD, Australia
"I have worked on an event called the Port Douglas Heart Meeting for 16 years, the most recent being June 2015 – the 2015 Port Douglas Heart Meeting & Expo. The Expo component of the meeting has been managed by Donna Anderson at NQE for many years, and was again this year with Donna and new owners Beth and Patrick. Dealing with over 27 trade companies in three diverse locations at the Sheraton Mirage Port Douglas, the NQE staff of Beth, Pat, Donna and Jan managed to pull it off and make the expo area look amazing! All displays were of an extremely high quality, including some custom builds stands which featured especially constructed backdrops, sides and supplementary printing and advert displays. Coloured furniture, flooring, props and customised artwork made the Expo look and feel very professional. The bump-in crew were friendly, on time and under control. Exhibitors commented on the ease of booking (via the online portal), and the wide range of furniture and other items available for their stands. Can't wait for the next meeting!"