Wildlife Habitat, Port Douglas Road, Port Douglas QLD, Australia
"From the outset, everyone was extremely surprised by your new, classy, top-shelf venue. That sure set the scene. They were expecting the afternoon to be good; but not that good! We were all blown away by your beach concept. You are on a winner there. As you are well aware, it is an ideal, intimate venue for weddings, and corporate and private functions. Bet it looks even more stunning at night under twinkling lights. What a great concept that paella was. Far different to our usual alternate-drop-chicken-or steak! Paella is a tough one to get right. And it sure was right. Everyone loved it. Bet the leftovers are going down well too. And didn't all your staff do a wonderful job; very attentive and with lovely smiles on their faces. Happy workers, and deserving of lots of praise from us. Again, thank you so much for your above-the-call-of-duty efforts. Your generosity and fellowship is very, very much appreciated by all."