Corporate Social Responsibility: Give Back to Paradise

Corporate Social Responsibility: Give Back to Paradise

Corporate events are not just a great opportunity to reward your high achievers for all their hard work and commitment to your business, but a fantastic forum to enrich the experience by enabling them to “give back” to the community. Business Events Port Douglas members have a range of fascinating Corporate Social Responsibility programs that can be tailored to suit your needs and deliver your team a sense of satisfaction that can only be achieved in contributing to a worthy cause. Here are a few of our favourites to help you formulate the perfect itinerary for your next corporate event.


The Wildlife Habitat is not only one of the best places in the tropics to get up close and personal with native animals, it plays an essential role in the rehabilitation of rescued wildlife. Conference groups can undertake a range of activities at the Wildlife Habitat that benefit the recovery of the rescued animals they nurture back to health. This includes building transport boxes for rescued wildlife and maintaining soft release cages used for the rehabilitation of rescued animals prior to their release back into the wild. Corporate groups can similarly build enrichment devices to benefit clever presentation birds including endangered species that require stimulation to enhance their daily lives, or plant food-specific trees for the resident koalas.


If your organisation is focused on contributing to society and being socially responsible, the Backyard Blitz is a fabulous team-building exercise that leaves a lasting impression on the community as well as your VIPs. Digging in to help revitalise the outdoor environment of the dementia ward of an aged care facility in Port Douglas, your team can enhance recent improvements that allows the residents to revel in their new garden. Stage two of this project focuses on the structural component of the garden, with your VIPs working together in teams to complete a series of construction tasks led by a qualified tradesman. These tasks include the erection of a new gazebo, construction and installation of a new raised garden bed and a vertical wall garden to make it easy for the elderly to reach. A professional videographer captures every moment from start to finish so you can showcase the amazing transformation your teams have accomplished.


As the only wildlife attraction physically located within the Wet Tropics World Heritage-listed area, Hartley’s Crocodile Adventures boasts an area of rare vine forest featuring some of the last remaining examples of this combination of flora. Over the last decade or so, the team at Hartley’s has been working on restoring this rainforest with corporate clients who can participate in a tree-planting session to assist in the restoration project. The Freeman family, owners of Hartley’s Crocodile Adventures, were also the first to breed koalas in captivity in North Queensland and maintain the largest colony of koalas that support a range of scientific research projects. Corporate groups can visit one of the Freemans’ six koala food tree plantations in return for a donation to the Save the Koala fund.


Here is your chance to contribute to the sustainability of one of the great wonders of our world, the magnificent Great Barrier Reef. The Coral Brief takes your VIPs out to the beautiful coral cay Low Isles, where they are supplied with an underwater writing slate and coral health ID chart to report on the vital statistics of these essential organisms. After a briefing of what to look out for, VIPs can choose to either navigate the reef and chart their coral findings snorkelling, on a stand-up paddleboard or even by foot. The results are then gathered and a real-time display of the current coral health produced to give your VIPs a true understanding of the delicate balance of our ecosystem and the value of their contribution to this precious environment.

Photo by @brookenikora


Everyone knows about the health benefits of riding a bicycle, but have you ever thought about how you can help transform the lives of underprivileged children by building them one? The bikes are constructed by corporate teams and then donated to local schools to distribute to children who would otherwise not have the pleasure of owning one.

CHARITY CANE TOAD RACINGThis is a fun activity for corporate groups to raise money for their favourite charities. The cane toads are auctioned off and then the winning toad’s team gets to donate the proceeds to the charity of their choice.